tastydave logo

We celebrate foods by embroidering images of ingredients onto fabrics.

We design the most exceptional images of foods and then embroider them onto clothes using very advanced technology.  Images of vegetables, images of fish and images of peppers, not to mention pasta and fruits; all embroidered onto the fabrics in an ever expanding repertoir of fashionable clothes.  Our keen eye for beauty and uniqueness make TastyDave the place to buy one of a kinds.  If you are a foodie this is the place for you. We couple our designs with cutting edge technology at the forefront of the embroidering field, to bring to you designs with a color brightness and vibrancy unmatched.  We have partnered with a drop shipping company that allows us to reduce our CO2 footprint by positioning centers around the world, reducing shipping distances and delivery times.  We use organic materials whenever possible and even give the customer the option to offset their transportation impact in the checkout process.  All of this to say that we are a little company that wants to impress and not hurt anyone along the way.  Buy something and impress your foodie friends.

watermelon image
aprons hover alt image
bee hover image

newest stuff

olive oil design
herb design
bacon design
one of our veggie designs
peach design
seafood button

designs of food that you wont find anywhere else, beautifully embroidered onto t-shirts and stuff.

The knowledge of how to butcher meat is a stepping stone in the culinary evolution of western society.

Pasta originated in China and brought to Europe by Marco Polo; it was adapted and made with different ingredients from the Italian peninsula, and is enjoyed by millions on a daily basis.

If you are interested in the specialty culinary experience of the PEPPER world, this place is for you.

tastydave video link
link to the entire shop
official tastydave logo